
BBC Persian Service promotes anti-Semitic Holocaust denier Atzmon
The BBC’s promotion of Gilad Atzmon is not novel, but translation into Farsi for broadcast in Iran is a new low. (BBC Watch)

BBC resurrects Knell’s ‘one-state’ campaigning article
An old article promoting the ‘one-state solution’ as a panacea to the troubles of the peace process is revamped by the BBC. (BBC Watch)

There’s No Boycott? Lets Just Ignore That Fact
Ha’aretz op-ed by Zvi Bar’el mistakenly claims there is a EU boycott of produce from the settlements. (Presspectiva)

Sometimes Stories Are Embarrassingly Wrong
Ma’ariv lets a glaring factual mistake slip by. (Presspectiva)

Wishful Thinking
The Deutsche Welle in Spanish distorted reality to explain the reasons for “skepticism and hope” in the negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Irish Times fawns over mother of an Arab who murdered a Holocaust survivor
A story in the Irish Times focusing on renewed Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, and the impending release of Palestinian prisoners, included a photo sympathetically depicting the mother of a terrorist who brutally murdered an Israeli Holocaust survivor. (CiF Watch)

Ateya Abu Moussa, was convicted of murdering a survivor of the Sobibor Nazi extermination camp with an axe in 1994.
Ateya Abu Moussa was convicted of murdering a survivor of the Sobibor Nazi extermination camp with an axe in 1994.

Página 12 published biased information about peace talks
Read how the Argentinian paper manages to quote only negative opinions and comments about the Israeli-Palestinian talks. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)