While Israel is the Jewish State, it is home to people of various religions, including Christianity. Despite the existence of a Christian Israeli population, American Christians have a precarious relationship with Israel. While many do support the state’s right to exist and understand its importance to their religion as well as to the Jewish religion, there is a small group who do not support Israel’s right to exist and defend itself.

The Christian Century is a publication that paints itself as a progressive magazine, and on its website claims to “inform and shape mainline Christianity.” This claim would make it seem as though The Christian Century is balanced and purely a religious publication that the majority of

Christians support. However, their masthead would reveal something slightly different. James M. Wall, former editor of The Christian Century, וותכנית המלגות Veterans News Now, a website that publishes anti-Israel articles along with anti-Semitic authors, still remains on the masthead of The Christian Century.

Despite CAMERA’s request to take Wall off of the masthead, the magazine has refused. To read more about CAMERA’s efforts to persuade The Christian Century, see CAMERA author Dexter Van Zile’s articles below:

*UPDATED* CAMERA Contacts Trustees of Christian Century

Christian Century Trustee Responds: Wall to Remain on Masthead

Contributed by CAMERA intern Rachel Wolf

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