The following is a testimonial letter by our 2013-2014 Fellow César Domingo:

First of all, thank you for the edits on my papers. I know it’s a tedious work and you both took the time to go over every single letter to make sure everything was written right.

But the big thanks are to the opportunity you gave me to be a CAMERA Fellow. You deposited trust in me to carry on with the hard task of being a defender of Israel. This year was full of excitement, headaches and motivation. It was a busy year for me: my last year in college (for now) and the first year University of Houston had a strong pro-Israel group on campus.

César Domingo is originally from Panama City, but now he has made Houston his home
César Domingo is originally from Panama City, but now he has made Houston his home

More than the speakers we had, Ish, Noam וותכנית המלגות Dr. Kedar, we successfully hosted the Israel Peace Week for the second year, raised awareness for the Syrian Refugees, and partnered with ZOA during Israel Apartheid Week. Our network now includes the ADL, the ZOA, the Israeli Consulate Southwest, and the Leadership Institute.

My team and I were able to have speakers other than the ones on the CAMERA list. We hosted Guy Cohen and Alon Nissan, from the Israeli consulate and the Jewish Agency, respectively.

In other words, the student community and specifically the anti-Zionists know that we are a constituted group with a muscle that is getting stronger.

On the positive things, the speakers and activities were welcomed by numerous students, with more than half being regular attendees to our events.

Again, thank you for this magnificent opportunity. I made so many wonderful friends and I know that those friendships will last a lifetime.  There are not enough words to describe the joy and how thankful I was during this fellowship year. The only thing that I regret is that, due to time conflicts, I won’t be able to participate in the Israel trip.

I’m looking forward to the continuation of the SPEAK UP project at the University of Houston and soon to be a CCAP sponsored group.

Best Regards,

Cesar D.

Read this piece, published earlier this year by the author: Threat to the Well Balance of Peace at the University of Houston

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