From February 28th to March 5th, I flew to the United Kingdom as a delegate of “Isreality,” a student group supported by CAMERA on Campus and Nefesh Yehudi. The purpose of the delegation was to bring Israeli and UK students together and present them with tools to combat anti-Zionist propaganda,...
Press Release: CAMERA on Campus Hosts Conference for Students Activists in the UK & Israel
LONDON, March 8th, 2023 – On Sunday, March 6th, CAMERA on Campus held an exclusive summit with top student leaders from the University College London, King’s College London, Durham University, University of Hertfordshire, University of East Anglia, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The one-day conference covered a plethora of...
Statement: CAMERA on Campus UK Condemns Liberate KCL’s Pestilent Antisemitism
On Friday, March 3rd, 2023, “Liberate KCL”, a far-left group at the King’s College, London called for a disturbance of a discussion hosted by the KCL Israel Society featuring two members of parliament. The event titled Israel and the House of Commons: Bipartisan Q&A was to take place on campus...
Why I think the UCL Students’ Union has Anti-Israel bias
As a Jew, I am increasingly alarmed by the atmosphere at UCL, especially since both the Students’ Union and the academic board attempted to scrap the IHRA definition of antisemitism in February 2021- dismissing anti-Zionism as a form of antisemitism. To read Abigail’s full-length article, follow this link. Please note:...
Susan Abulhawa speaks at UCL
Photo: Diliff/Wikimedia Commons On October 20, UCL Friends of Palestine and UCL Arab & North African Society hosted a discussion titled “A Palestinian Tale: The Story Behind the Statistics” with Palestinian political activist and novelist Susan Abulhawa. As a strong supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, she cannot...
סולידריות בעידן הקורונה לא שווה הרבה אם ממשכים להתקיים הסטנדרטיים הכפולים כלפי ישראל
בהתחשב בעובדה שהקמפוס שלנו ממוקם פחות מ -10 מיילים מווימבלדון, זה אולי לא מפתיע שעונת הטניס המסורתית במהלך הקיץ פופולרית בקרב סטודנטים ב- UCL. לפעמים הסיקור התקשורתי יכול להיות שנוי במחלוקת. לדוגמא, היחס של התקשורת כלפי אלוף ווימבלדון הבריטי, אנדי מוריי הסתכמה לעתים קרובות ב”כשאנדי מנצח הוא בריטי, כשהוא מפסיד...
The IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism: Were We Asking Too Much?
On Monday 21st January, over 300 students gathered in Logan Hall for what promised to be an historic vote which could transform the lives of the Jewish student contingent at UCL for years to come. It was a motion encouraging the Students’ Union to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism and...
The BDS cult and the dancing Jewish students – a night at UCL
Last night, 25 Jan, Hen Mazzig returned to University College London (UCL) for a talk. Hen has uploaded his discussion with the UCL Provost on Facebook. Hen had been invited there following the disgraceful scenes that faced him upon his first visit in 2016. For those that do not remember, anti-Israel protestors...