4 minute read

An Open Letter to Sarah Tuttle-Singer

Historical realities must be carefully considered for peace Sarah, Within the past few months, we have seen a drastic change in the US approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. UNRWA was defunded, the Palestinian leadership has been battered with criticism, and US financial aid to the Palestinian leadership was severely cut....

4 minute read

Fighting Fire With Fire

Growing up in America, it is common for children’s shows to teach messages of sharing, kindness, and love. Terrorism? Not so much. In the Palestinian Authority controlled West Bank region, on the other hand, “death, not life, is the prime value” of popular children’s show Tomorrow’s Pioneers. The program, whose co-host Nassur boasts...

2 minute read

Je Suis Charlie Hedbo

Contributed by CAMERA Boston intern, Chaiel Schaffel of Maimonides School We at the CAMERA on Campus offices were deeply saddened to learn of the recent terror attack in Paris yesterday. News of the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine building shattered the stateside early morning calm , bringing with it...

3 minute read

The Lesser of Two Terrorists

This article was written by Baruch College CAMERA Fellow Alisa Rudy. It was first published in “The Ticker” on November 12, 2013. Nov. 11 marks a significant loss in Palestinian history: the anniversary of the death of the late Fatah and Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat. Not coincidentally, it...

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