3 minute read

Terror Begins With Words

For the morally confused, the chasm between good and evil is best crossed by a well- constructed abstraction. Hence, the systematic murder of six million Jews becomes ‘the final solution`. Hence, the murder of innocent civilians is too often written off as “resistance“ and terrorists branded as “freedom fighters” by...

3 minute read


Rewind to one year and five months ago. Saturday night in Jerusalem, as I remember it from living in the city, is a time of reawakening. The city gently wakes up from the rest of the Jewish holy day, Shabbat, and shops reopen, people traverse the country to return to...

2 minute read

Terror Attack in Tel Aviv

This post was contributed by CAMERA Boston Intern, Chaiel Schaffel. The CAMERA on Campus team was deeply saddened to learn of yet another terror attack perpetrated against innocent civilians in Israel today. The attack occurred in Tel-Aviv this morning, when a 23-year-old Palestinian Arab named Hamza Matrouk began stabbing commuters on bus #40...

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