While the rising conflict at the Temple Mount may be half a world away for Western civilization, the conflict prevails to be more relatable than it appears. The Temple Mount remains a holy site for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Although all three groups want access to the holy site for...
Arab World Ignores Terror Attack, Chooses to Victim Blame Israel
On Friday, two Israeli Border Police were murdered in a terror attack by an entrance to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. After committing their attack, the terrorists then fled to the Temple Mount, and were eventually shot and killed after being chased by Police. The attack received widespread condemnation from...
Looking Back at the ‘Fake News’ of Jerusalem
Tomorrow, President Donald Trump, marked by controversy and unpredictability, arrives in Jerusalem, Israel’s hotly contested capital. That alone is a potentially combustible combination. Add to the mix the fact that Jerusalem is subject to more intensive media coverage than any other disputed city. In addition to the 800 foreign journalists...
Criticize David Myers’ Evaluation of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
On Sept. 20, the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University brought a Board Director of the New Israel Fund, Prof. David Myers, to speak about the Arab-Israel conflict and who is responsible. Myers’ goal was to take a step back and analyze the events leading up to creation...
Al Jazeera Uses Classic Canard to Promote Jihad Against Jews
Nearly 80 years ago – decades before Israel was established as a Jewish state – then-Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Al Husseini (who subsequently allied with Adolf Hitler) embarked on a campaign of incitement to foment a jihad against Jews. His focal point? The area near the Temple Mount,...
Letter to the Editor: Israeli and Palestinian leadership
These past few years, the Middle East has been exploding, figuratively and literally. But there is one country that has made news headlines since its foundation. Israel and her tumultuous relationship with her neighbors, especially Palestine, are at the forefront of the minds of most foreign journalists. Matti Friedman, former...
The Man Behind the Incitement
Recently, at his address to the United Nations General Assembly, Mahmoud Abbas, President of the PLO, opened his speech ‘raising the alarm’ to the world as to his version of the facts on the ground as they stand in relation to the most disputed piece of real estate in the...
It’s time to stop ignoring racism in Israel
As defenders of Israel, we are constantly emphasizing that Israel promotes unconditional co-existence and would never stand for such an awful establishment like institutional discrimination. However, what if I said we were wrong and that Israel does, in fact, actively permit prejudice to flourish? We as educators commit a severe...