8 minute read

Our 2015 David Bar Illan Award winners

On Sunday a record 600-plus guests attended the annual Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) awards gala in New York City. CAMERA honored activists including student leaders, a retired professor, and an internationally known journalist for their work in supporting Israel and upholding news media integrity...

2 minute read

Spirit of Hanukkah

Neither Greek nor Roman nor Spanish nor Persian Not Assyrian, nor German, or fierce Babylonian Not Egypt with Pharaohs and laws so draconian could stop our forward march. Not ‘Students for Justice in Palestine,’ Not here, not now, not at any time, Not Judith Butler, or Hatem Bazian could stop...

4 minute read

David Sheen, Lying Machine

This piece was contributed by 2014-2015 Florida State University CAMERA Fellow, Stephanie Jablon.  Shouldn’t student organizations bring in guest speakers who promote a positive, educational experience? Shouldn’t these speakers spread knowledge that is both truthful and helpful? As college students, we have the opportunity not only to pick from a...

2 minute read

Chloe Valdary: Let Us Give Thanks

This piece was contributed by CAMERA consultant, Chloe Simone Valdary. Chloe is the founder of Allies of Israel, CAMERA’s CCAP group at the University of New Orleans. When Anat Berko visited Tulane University a few weeks ago, she gave a message that was fundamentally pro-Palestinian. She spoke of how Palestinian women...

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