4 minute read

Straight From the Horse’s Mouth: Antisemitism Is Inherent to SJP Activism

Photo: Kenneth C. Zirkel/Wikimedia Commons On February 26th, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Brown University hosted an event featuring speakers who discussed Palestinian activism. Unsurprisingly, it was an exercise in antisemitic rhetoric and argumentation, including hateful tropes such as, “These attacks on capital, on money are what scares them [Israelis,...

3 minute read

The Libelous Claims on National SJP’s Panel

On February 19, 2021, the Institute for Policy Studies’ Middle East Fellow Khury Petersen-Smith and the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) organization shared their latest iteration of antisemitic libels and hypocrisy during “Freedom Intertwined: Organizing for Collective Liberation,” a virtual panel hosted by NSJP. The event framed Palestinian self-determination...

2 minute read

CAMERA on Campus Plans to Disrupt “Israeli Apartheid Week”

For more information on CAMERA’s new campus campaign, visit www.apartheidweekexposed.org. It’s happened every year since 2005. Anti-Israel activists on college campuses around the world hold a weeklong series of events, usually in March, that demonize Israel as an “apartheid state.” Speakers at these events falsely allege that Israeli policy toward Palestinians...

3 minute read

Israel Respects Gay Rights; the Palestinians Do Not

Photo: Nettadi/Wikimedia Commons The University of Pittsburgh’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) held a meeting in October on the topic of “pinkwashing” —  the accusation that Israel exploits the LGBTQ+ community to propagandize a progressive image of the country, and to obscure the reality that Israel is...

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