4 minute read

BDS is Not Welcome at CUNY

BDS has no place on our campus. When a student embarks on their college journey, they can expect to secure many great things. Apart from acquiring a degree, students gain the knowledge and learn the facts that help them to shrewdly understand the world around them. When a student goes...

2 minute read

Israel Promotes Equal Rights for All Citizens

Scarlet Knights for Israel is disturbed by the recent misleading commentary by the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), titled “Excuses must stop being made for human rights violations.” The demonizing column falsely charges Israel as an “apartheid” and “settler-colonial” state. As a student-led group dedicated to promoting a peaceful...

3 minute read

Keeping An Open Mind Matters

The Arab-Israeli conflict remains a highly divisive issue on campuses across the United States—and GW is no exception. Students can often expect to see speaker events calling for the end of the alleged “occupation” of Palestinian lands, weeks dedicated to commenting on the supposed apartheid in Israel, and groups on...

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