Anti-Semitism is on the rise at college campuses. From January to June 2016, 287 anti-Semitic incidents occurred on 64 campuses, an increase of 45% since the year before. Unfortunately, Stanford is no exception to this ugly trend. In Spring 2016, during an ASSU meeting, Senator Gabriel Knight spoke of “Jews controlling...
Jewish Voice for Peace To Host Convicted Palestinian Terrorist
Editor’s note: Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) in an organization that plays a significant role in stirring up anti-Israel rhetoric. JVP supports the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel, supports Students for Justice in Palestine events including Israel Apartheid Week, and calls for an end to U.S. military aid to...
Enough is Enough
How Inclusive are Our Universities? What do you consider to be hateful behavior? Using ethnic and/or religious slurs? Intimidating students who do not agree with you to such a degree that they are afraid to attend classes or feel the need to transfer to a different university? Creating videos that...
SJP and Trump at George Washington University
Passing by Kogan Plaza during the anti-Trump rally held November 15th, I was struck for the first time with the feeling that I may not be safe at GW. At a rally supposedly about love for one another, I was shocked to hear anti-Semitic rhetoric, hate, and demonization coming from...
Pop The Misconception at George Mason University
In advance of Students for Justice in Palestine’s National Student Conference held at George Mason University on November 3rd, the students of CAMERA-supported group GMU Israel Student Association tabled with the theme “Pop The Misconception.” On display were attention-grabbing and misleading media stories covered by CAMERA researchers. The students used bubble wrap...
Campus activists silent in face of anti-Semitic author
An author accused of making anti-Semitic statements has been invited to speak at San Diego State. On Sept. 29, SDSU’s Students for Justice in Palestine will host a discussion, “Palestine 101,” with Israeli author Miko Peled. Peled, the son of an Israeli general, has made a speaking career promoting non-violent...
Guardian again whitewashes the extremism of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
This post was written by Managing Editor of UK Media Watch, Adam Levick and was originally posted here. For the second time in little over a year, the Guardian has managed to portray the radical, regressive anti-Zionist group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) in a sympathetic light. The latest article, which...
SJP Glorifies Terrorist Leila Khaled
The word resistance is defined as the ‘refusal to accept or comply with something.’ A legal definition of the word is “the opposition of force to force,” which can either be “lawful or unlawful.” Resistance can be associated with defiance, independence, and strength in times of struggle. However, resistance also indicates rebellion, and...