4 minute read

Anti-Academia at San Francisco State University

Photo: Orin Zebest/Wikimedia Commons Fresh off the heels of their failed attempt to host convicted Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled for an online event, the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies Department (AMED) at San Francisco State University (SFSU) held a November 29 panel titled “From Colonization to Solidarity: Narratives of Defeat...

3 minute read

San Francisco State’s Ethnicities Department to Host Documented Palestinian Terrorist

San Francisco State University’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies (AMED) is scheduled to host later this month a virtual conversation with a known Palestinian terrorist. Leila Khaled played a critical role in two airplane hijackings as a member of the U.S.-designated terrorist organization the Popular Front for the Liberation of...

3 minute read

Enshrined Anti-Zionism at San Francisco State University and Many US Campuses

Recently, as reported by The Algemeiner, dozens of organizations petitioned the chancellor of the California State University system in response to San Francisco State University (SFSU) professor Rabab Abdulhadi’s use of the university’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diaspora Studies (AMED) Facebook page to spread antisemitic propaganda. This concern is more than justified. As the...

< 1 minute read

Pro-Israel Event at SF State

Contributed by CAMERA Fellow Kailee Jordan. On May 12, Professor Michael Leitner shared his experience with the various Israeli peace programs including Mifalot, Sports for Peace, and more, which are designed to bring together children of different backgrounds socially through sports, dance, etc., with students at San Francisco State. Sharing his...

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