3 minute read

Response: Violence should not be the method of peace in the Middle East

In his piece, Toivo Asheeke asks Binghamton to embrace the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel, a vibrant democracy in a sea of oppressive and dictatorial regimes, in response to recent Palestinian violence. “Hoping” that the current Palestinian “rebellion,” a wave of indiscriminate attacks against innocent Israelis, will bring...

2 minute read

CCAP Group Binghamton University Zionist Organization Hosts 2nd Annual ZED Talk

We are so proud of the CAMERA- supported Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO) for hosting its second annual ZED (Zionist Education Development) Talks. Check out the article below, written by BUZO member and CCAP Liaison Haley Silverstein: On November 24, Binghamton University Zionist Organization hosted its second annual ZED (Zionist Education Development) Talks. The...

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