< 1 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

BBC Arabic reports on Syrian patients in Israeli hospitals – but not in Arabic After months of ignoring the subject of Syrian patients being treated in Israeli hospitals, the BBC finally got around to reporting the story – but not to its Arabic Service audiences. (BBC Watch) BBC describes known...

< 1 minute read

UNRWA and the Textbook Problem

As our current generation of possible peacemakers continues to fail to make breakthroughs in the peace process, many hope that the next generation will grow up and take over, accomplishing more than their predecessors. Recently, a group of young Palestinians and Israelis got together in an event titled “Dialogue for...

3 minute read

BDS Momentum quashed at UC Santa Barbara

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Josh Arons: The anti-Israel, boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement has infiltrated numerous state universities in California and has spread untruthful propaganda about the State of Israel. Unfortunately, the anti-Israel movement’s scare tactics worked by persuading student government associations at UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and UC Irvine...

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