2 minute read

Demanding Condemnation

  Isaac Newton said that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  But when it comes to terrorism in Israel, that is not the case. When a motorist rams his car into innocent bystanders, there is currently no proportionate outrage. When a teenager stabs the first Jewish person in...

3 minute read

Incitement Leads to Violence

On September 30th 2015, Mahmoud Abbas, President of the PLO, opened his speech to the United Nations General Assembly by ‘raising the alarm’ to the world and giving his version of the facts on the ground regarding the most disputed piece of real estate on Earth. He opened with his position on...

< 1 minute read

World Renowned Middle East Scholar Discusses an Under Discussed Perspective

On April 24th, 2014, Cornell University’s pro-Israel group, CIPAC, and CAMERA Fellow Benjamin Horowitz presented Jonathan Schanzer, a world renowned Middle East History scholar to an intimate audience consisting of CIPAC members, community members, and interns from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. In specific, Mr. Schanzer discussed his new...

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