3 minute read

Five Facts the BDS Movement Should Learn from Bassem Eid

Bassem Eid, a Palestinian human rights activist, has lectured at many CAMERA-supported events on college campuses including at Cornell University, University of Miami, Florida Atlantic University, Vassar College, and Binghamton University. At each school, Baseem Eid shows students his Palestinian perspective, including his vision of how to improve life for Palestinians. He...

4 minute read

Trouble with Chomsky

On November 8, 2015 linguist Noam Chomsky and Norwegian physician Mads Gilbert spoke at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The event drew harsh criticism from MIT students because Dr. Gilbert has explicitly supported the 9/11 terror attacks. In an opinion article published in the MIT Tech newspaper, one student asks “Why is...

4 minute read

Fighting Fire With Fire

Growing up in America, it is common for children’s shows to teach messages of sharing, kindness, and love. Terrorism? Not so much. In the Palestinian Authority controlled West Bank region, on the other hand, “death, not life, is the prime value” of popular children’s show Tomorrow’s Pioneers. The program, whose co-host Nassur boasts...

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