< 1 minute read

CAMERA Advisor Adam Gordon Condemns Illegitimate and Anti-Israel Resolution at McGill

On March 21st, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) illegitimately adopted a resolution that codifies the systematic discrimination of Jewish students on campus. “The Palestine Question” spreads several falsehoods about the State of Israel, claiming the country is an “apartheid” state and is solely responsible for the plight of...

4 minute read

York University Mural Constant Reminder Zionist Students Not Welcome

Three years ago, a large-scale, informal, and yet typical, Israeli-Palestinian debate took place on campus. This debate caused controversy, questioned the university’s commitment to free speech and student rights, challenged the university’s ability to make decisions regarding student safety, caused one of the university’s largest donors to pull out his...

3 minute read

Shai DeLuca-Tamasi Talks Israel in Ireland

Editor’s Note: If you are interested in bringing Shai to your campus during his Spring 2019 semester tour, please contact CAMERA on Campus. Celebrity figure visits Ireland in CAMERA-sponsored event at Maynooth Shai DeLuca-Tamasi’s guest speaker event at Maynooth was undoubtedly the greatest achievement of the society so far, notwithstanding the...

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