3 minute read

In the end, love will win

Israelis are known for not cancelling personal celebrations during times of war and terror. During Operation Protective Edge, the army managed to pull out two combat soldiers from the war for a few hours to attend their sister’s wedding. More recently this past November, Sarah Litman did not postpone her wedding after losing her...

4 minute read

CAMERA’s Published Letter to Ohio University Paper On Anti-Israel “Blood Bucket Challenge”

Last week, CAMERA’s scathing Letter-to-the-Editor regarding Ohio University student senator Megan Marzec’s “Blood Bucket Challenge” publicity stunt was published in the student paper, The Post! Marzec’s Declarations to Support Palestine Full of Contradictions By Eric Rozenman, a 1969 graduate of Ohio University and a former staffer at The Post. He is the...

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