3 minute read

The monstrous origins and effects of ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’

Every year in the diaspora anti-Israel activists on university campuses globally unite to host ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’. Concerningly, as opposed to promoting any productive (let alone constructive) solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, it instead fosters an unpragmatic approach, cultivating a hostile environment for many Jewish and Israeli students. Exacerbating the...

3 minute read

We Have Always Been at the Forefront

Jews have never backed down from supporting other oppressed communities On Oct. 27, the deadliest attack on American Jews in history occurred. Eleven people were murdered by a rabid anti-Semite who screamed “all Jews must die” after he shot them dead on Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest. An article...

4 minute read

Ireland’s Boycott of Jewish Goods

Proposed legislation in Ireland is strikingly similar to Early 20th Century Anti-Semitic European legislation. In the latest diplomatic spat between Ireland and Israel, Ireland advanced a bill that would criminalize imports of Israeli goods produced in the territories (sometimes referred to as the West Bank) and quite possibly beyond. The...

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