2 minute read

Interfaith Dinner at Laurentian University

Laurentian University’s Emet for Israel group, Jewish Student Association (LUJSA), organized a great initiative, which was in partnership with LU’s Muslim Student Association and the university’s Christian Fellowship. The groups came together to hold an interfaith dinner and discussion at Tandoori Tastes restaurant in Sudbury, Ontario, which took place on the night of...

< 1 minute read

Hasbara through Laurentian University Gaming Society (LUGS)

On March 13th, the Laurentian University Jewish Student Association (LUJSA) hosted “Let’s Scrabbalatte Game Night!” jointly with the  Laurentian University Gaming Society (LUGS).  This off-campus event drew more than 35 students, many of whom do not usually attend LUJSA events. In addition to enjoying pizza, provided by the Students General Association, and games, the...

< 1 minute read

Laurentian CCAP Participate in Model UN

For CANIMUN, Canada’s countrywide University-level Model United Nations competition, students from Laurentian University Jewish Student Association (LUJSA) represented the delegation from Israel. Many students simply interested in the Model UN event participated and were educated about Israel, its history, and its politics.  Participants across the event experienced in the first...

2 minute read

The Amazing Chanukah Donut Giveaway at Laurentian

Recap of the Amazing Chanukah Donut Giveaway at Laurentian University, contributed by the Laurentian University CCAP (CAMERA Supported) Group Jewish Students Association VP Sidney Shapiro: This week, to celebrate Chanukah, the Laurentian University Jewish Students Association tried something new: We put on an event called The Amazing Hanukkah Donut Giveaway. Laurentian University has about 9,000...

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