3 minute read

שלום ואלימות בסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני: מאמר תגובה

ב- 7 בפברואר פרסמה נור אלמסלמני מאמר שכותרתו “מדינה חסרת מדינה? פלסטין … לאן? ” בה היא קובעת כי “הפלסטינים מנסים ליישם תוכנית שלום עם הישראלים כבר זמן רב מאוד.” טענה זו אינה מתייחסת לעשורים הרבים שבהם ההנהגה הפלסטינית הסיתה לאלימות, תמכה בטרור והפיצה תעמולה אנטישמית. מאז הקמתה בשנת 1959,...

5 minute read

The Separation Between the African-American and Palestinian Narratives

Dumisani Washington, a multi-talented and dedicated human rights activist, is a CAMERA speaker and has spoken to students at UCONN and the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign among many others. Dumisani Washington is dedicated to continuing Dr. King’s legacy of establishing peace and justice in the world. Washington fights for justice by promoting and...

5 minute read

MLK’s Dream Conflicts With BDS

Dumisani Washington, a CAMERA speaker and a proud activist for Israel, is an expert in Dr. Martin Luther King’s pro-Israel legacy. In the past, he has spoken to students at UCONN, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, as well as at other CAMERA-supported groups. When Dumisani Washington speaks to students who are either pro-Israel, not...

3 minute read

Five Facts the BDS Movement Should Learn from Bassem Eid

Bassem Eid, a Palestinian human rights activist, has lectured at many CAMERA-supported events on college campuses including at Cornell University, University of Miami, Florida Atlantic University, Vassar College, and Binghamton University. At each school, Baseem Eid shows students his Palestinian perspective, including his vision of how to improve life for Palestinians. He...

10 minute read

23 Reasons Why BDS is Antisemitic

This post was written by Professor Dr. David Hirsh, at the University of London and originally published at Engage. 1. BDS singles out Israel BDS is a global campaign against Israel and only Israel. It seeks to foment sufficient emotional anger with Israel, and with only Israel, so that people around the world...

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