2 minute read

Smith Israel Alliance Hosts Pnina Agenyahu

Recently, CAMERA’s Emet for Israel supported organization, Smith Israel Alliance, brought Pnina Agenyahu, an Ethiopian Israeli, to Smith College. Agenyahu discussed the history of Ethiopians and their journey to Israel. After enlightening the audience about the issues at hand, including an analysis of the different protests Ethiopians participated in against discrimination,...

2 minute read

Important Alliances

The state of Israel has been an ally to the United States of America since its’ birth in 1948. This has been a relationship that has been cultivated over decades and has proven mutually beneficial to both countries. Whether financially, militarily, medically, technologically etc., the partnership that has existed between these two countries...

< 1 minute read

Benji Lovitt comes to UB

SUNY Buffalo’s Emet for Israel supported group, UB for Israel, was very excited to bring Benji Lovitt, an Israeli comedian, to their university and share his comedy expertise with their peers. From Taglit Birthright to camels, Lovitt made the audience roar with laughter as her talked about many different aspects of Israeli society....

2 minute read

Gilad Skolnick Goes to George Mason

On October 19th Gilad Skolnick, CAMERA’s Director of Campus Programming, visited George Mason University (GMU) where he met with leaders of the Israel Student Association, our EMET for Israel supported group on the campus. During his visit there was an Israeli triva event organized with Hillel, in a nearby restaurant. About 25 birthright alumni...

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