On May 3 and 4, J Street U held an exhibition of photos by an Israeli non-governmental organization called Breaking the Silence, whose goal is to “expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.” I applaud its desire to better Israeli society, but I...
Israel Remembers the Fallen and Victims of Terror on Yom HaZikaron
This evening Yom HaZikaron begins, Israel’s national day of remembrance. The country comes to a halt to remember those who have been killed in Israel’s wars, and in terrorist attacks. Unfortunately over the past year, Israel saw more Israelis killed in terrorist attacks. Last June, Hallel Yaffe Ariel z”l, a thirteen...
Q+A with Hen Mazzig
Tomorrow (Tuesday March 14th) Hen Mazzig begins his East Coast campus tour with CAMERA. Just before he took off for New York, we sat down with Hen to learn more about him and his passion for Israel education. Aron: Hi Hen, its great to speak with you! Hen: Likewise! Aron: Your upcoming tour with CAMERA on...
I am a Zionist.
I’m afraid to say it out loud sometimes because it’s become a bad word of late. I believe in Israel’s right to exist and its necessity. I put great faith in the Jewish right to self-determination and have a deep love for the State of Israel. This makes me a...
The Guardian Whitewashes Charges of Antisemitism Against Malia Bouattia
An article in the Guardian, written by their education correspondent Sally Weale, focused on recent reports of hate crimes targeting Jews at Exeter, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Sussex and University College London. Among the people interviewed in the article (UK universities urged to a tackle rising tide of antisemitism, Feb. 18th) was NUS President Malia Bouattia....
The Dangers of Divestment
Less than one year after USG voted down OSU Divest’s attempt to divest from Israel, the group has yet again pushed the issue onto the ballot. They claim the sole purpose of this bill is to fight for social justice, and to create financial neutrality by preventing OSU from using...
Palestinians are Hurt by BDS
“All the people who wanted to close SodaStream’s West Bank factory are mistaken… They didn’t take into consideration the families,” Ali Jafar, a Palestinian SodaStream employee stated back in 2015. He had been working at the Israeli company’s West Bank factory which produced home carbonation drink machines for two years before it...
Seth Siegel and the Global Water Crisis
The world may be close to experiencing a global water crisis. More than seven billion gallons of water are wasted a day in the United States alone. This month, Cornell hosted a lecture featuring Seth Siegel, entitled “A Global Water Crisis Is Coming: What Can We Do To Avoid It?” Seth...