5 minute read

UCLA’s Tango With Hate and Anti-Semitism

SJP’s National Conference demonizes students across the country who are supportive of Israel Students for Justice in Palestine will host its annual national conference in November at the University of California, Los Angeles. Despite the notoriously anti-Semitic rhetoric used by this group, UCLA will be directly facilitating the spreading of...

4 minute read

Ireland’s Boycott of Jewish Goods

Proposed legislation in Ireland is strikingly similar to Early 20th Century Anti-Semitic European legislation. In the latest diplomatic spat between Ireland and Israel, Ireland advanced a bill that would criminalize imports of Israeli goods produced in the territories (sometimes referred to as the West Bank) and quite possibly beyond. The...

3 minute read

Shunned But Not Silenced

Anti-normalization will not get us anywhere. In 1967, after the Six-Day War, the leaders of eight Arab countries convened and adopted the Khartoum Resolution. This resolution implemented “The 3 No’s”: no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel. Fast forward around 50 years and a...

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