4 minute read

Palestine is the Missing Partner for Peace

This piece was written by Alisa Rudy and first published in “The Ticker” on April 7th. Alisa is a junior majoring in Middle East Studies at Baruch College, is the current President of the CCAP group Youth Organization For Israel, Baruch’s student pro-Israel club. Peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leadership are yet again at a...

4 minute read

The Libel That Targeted the Zionist Community

Contributed by Elliott Hamilton, the President of our CCAP group Claremont Students for Israel. This piece has been republished in The Algemeiner. Early on a Shabbat morning, Daniel Mael was walking back with a friend to his dorm room at Brandeis University. Upon seeing a group of his peers passing by, he kindly...

3 minute read

Israel, a Hub for Diversity

The following piece was written by our Fellow at the University of Massachusetts, Brett Hausler. It was originally published on April 22nd in The Daily Collegian, and was republished in The Algemeiner on April 30th, 2014. One of the most misunderstood facts about Israel is that it fosters diversity and works diligently...

4 minute read

Bastardized Justice in the Middle East

This piece was contributed by Elliott Hamilton, a Liaison for our CCAP group Claremont Students for Israel. It was originally published on April 11th in The Student Life. Last semester, following the publication of my Nov. 15, 2013 article, “We Must Take Ownership of Our Own Humanity,” addressing dialogue on the Israel-Palestinian...

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