2 minute read

CAMERA Fellow Published in Tulane Paper

CAMERA 2013-14 Fellow Ben Kravis recently published a letter to the editor in his campus paper, the Tulane Hullabaloo. Read Ben’s letter here or scroll below. Ben Kravis writes that one can be both Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian. This is a strong argument, as there is no reason one cannot support both people. Unfortunately, many campus...

2 minute read

Jeff Jacoby Speaks at CAMERA Conference

During CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference last week, students had the opportunity to hear Jeff Jacoby, an op-ed columnist at the Boston Globe since 1994, speak. In addition, in 1999, Mr. Jacoby was the first recipient of the Breindel Prize, awarded for excellence in opinion journalism. Jacoby engaged...

< 1 minute read

Meet our 23 CAMERA Fellows

Currently underway is the annual CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, in which student leaders from throughout the Americas, 23 of them CAMERA Fellows, come together to learn about Israel. The 23 Fellows selected this year hail from places such as Uruguay, Canada, and from across the United States....

< 1 minute read

The Amcha Initiative

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rachel Wolf: Last week at Congregation Beth El-Atereth, the co-founder of the Amcha Initiative, Dr. Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, spoke about antisemitism on college campuses. At this CAMERA sponsored event in Newton, Massachusetts, Dr. Rossman-Benjamin, a professor at University of California Santa Cruz, spoke about how she has come to...

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