9 minute read

Fighting for Israel on College Campuses

CAMERA’s Senior Campus Coordinator, Samantha Mandeles, recently wrote the following piece, a version of which appears in the Algemeiner, about the events that led her to her current position at CAMERA. While attending Hampshire College, Samantha was subjected to harassment, bullying and an overall hostile and anti-Israel atmosphere. Fighting for...

< 1 minute read

The Problematic UN

Chloé Valdary, CAMERA CCAP Liaison of Allies for Israel of the University of New Orleans, recently wrote the piece “Beyond Repair: Racist Revisionists, Injurious Illusions” for Arutz Sheva. In the piece, she covers a variety of issues such as the bigotry of Arab countries in the Middle East and the very...

< 1 minute read

Northeastern Unbecoming

The epidemic of professors demonizing Israel and creating a vehemently biased anti-Israel climate at Northeastern is quite problematic. It is a grave injustice to misinform students, and it distracts from the real atrocities going on in much of the world such as Syria, Egypt, the Central African Republic, etc. Students are deprived...

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