For every military ally of the US, America strives to help. The US continues to work with nations that either provide direct collaboration with the American military or that work to ensure safety in their region, which in turn, promotes overall global security and American security. In any ally partnership,...
Remembering Operation Protective Edge and the Miracle of the IDF
Two years ago this week, Operation Protective Edge had just ended. Operation Protective Edge was a war in Gaza instigated by constant rockets fired into Israel and the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli boys. IDF troops were sent into Gaza to close up terror tunnels infiltrating into Israel and...
10 Tips for Breaking the Silence
Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization dedicated to revealing the ‘truth’ about the IDF. Loosely based on accounts of soldiers, BTS tries to highlight immoral incidents in the IDF. But after a recent Channel 10 investigation, Breaking the Silence can no longer be trusted as a reliable source. Here is a...
Mekonen: An Ethiopian’s Journey to becoming an IDF officer
Originally featured in JerusalemU‘s Beneath the Helmet, a film revealing the stories of a handful of soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Mekonen, an Ethiopian Israeli, had just drafted into the Paratroopers Unit. The film Mekonen was recently released, and focuses on the rest of his incredible journey after basic training. In the...
Breaking the Silence Gets Failing Grade in Channel 10’s Fact-Check
Once described as the “most hated group” in Israel, few NGOs evoke the same level of raw emotion as “Breaking the Silence” (BtS). The European-funded Israeli organization publishes testimony, in Hebrew and in English, of Israeli soldiers with the stated aim to “expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in...
The IDF: No One Asks But Everyone Can Tell
The Story of a Gay Combat Soldier Sgt. Batel, 20, always knew that one day, like all Israelis, she would draft into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). A Zionist at heart, she looked forward to wearing an IDF uniform, and was excited to serve the state of Israel. At the...
Colonel Richard Kemp Testifies for the IDF at NYU
Morality in the war on terror is a controversial and constant point of discussion for Israel. The question is: How can an army be optimally moral in preventing casualties, while successfully stopping terrorism? This is a dilemma the IDF struggles with as it is repeatedly cornered into war in order to protect Israel. Despite the many...
Celebrating Israel’s Independence on Campus
Yom Ha’Atzmaut is one of the most meaningful holidays in Israel. It is followed right after Yom Ha’Zikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror. Every year, the citizens of Israel make the transition from darkness to light, anguish to gratitude, death to life, tears to utter joy....