4 minute read

In Solidarity

They came with their posters and they came with their chants. “Judeonazi” they cried, as the rage filled their eyes and hate filled their hearts. “Allahu Akbar,” they exclaimed as they read off the list of people — both terrorists and civilians — killed in the recent conflict with Gaza....

2 minute read

New Social Media Sites

In response to Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s defensive operation against Hamas in Gaza which has fired hundreds of rockets in the past week into Israeli civilian areas, several new social media campaigns and pages have been created. Among them are #KidsAreNotTargets, Israel Under Fire, and Israel Facing Terror. All three...

5 minute read

“I Am Kidnapped”

For eighteen days an entire nation waited with bated breath, eyes and ears transfixed onto televisions and radios hoping to hear of any new developments.  Security forces had been working non-stop for weeks in one of the most comprehensive searches the country had ever witnessed, in order to locate Gilad,...

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