3 minute read

Tisha B’Av: Remembering Tragedy

According to Jewish tradition, the Jewish people’s Holy Temple in Jerusalem was twice destroyed on the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av.  Yesterday (July 24th), observant Jews fasted to mark the beginning of a three week mourning period which concludes on August 14th with the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av. This concept...

4 minute read

Appeasing Iran

 Problematic Western Attitudes Toward a Dangerous Regime In a recent visit to Italy, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told a group of Italian business leaders that Iran is the “safest and most stable country of the entire region.” Why, then, are leading global players tiptoeing around the regime? In the past...

2 minute read

Terror Attack in Tel Aviv

This post was contributed by CAMERA Boston Intern, Chaiel Schaffel. The CAMERA on Campus team was deeply saddened to learn of yet another terror attack perpetrated against innocent civilians in Israel today. The attack occurred in Tel-Aviv this morning, when a 23-year-old Palestinian Arab named Hamza Matrouk began stabbing commuters on bus #40...

2 minute read

Je Suis Charlie Hedbo

Contributed by CAMERA Boston intern, Chaiel Schaffel of Maimonides School We at the CAMERA on Campus offices were deeply saddened to learn of the recent terror attack in Paris yesterday. News of the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine building shattered the stateside early morning calm , bringing with it...

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