< 1 minute read

CCAP Group at U Georgia Hosts Reflections of a Jerusalem Correspondent with Etgar Lefkovits

Students Supporting Israel (SSI) at The University of Georgia hosted Reflections of a Jerusalem Correspondent featuring Etgar Lefkovits early in November. The pro-Israel group hoped to the disintegration of the Middle East with topics including new and old alliances, the rise of Islamic extremism and Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza this summer....

4 minute read

Redefining The Lines

A version of this piece was originally published in The Claremont Independent by CAMERA Fellow Elliott Hamilton on November 23rd 2014.  After spending nine months in the State of Israel, Bryan Turkel, a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi and a proud Zionist, returned to Claremont McKenna with full intention of displaying his identity....

4 minute read

Presspectiva Analyst Speaks at Cornell

On September 30, CAMERA’s own Yishai Goldflam spoke about media bias against Israel at Cornell University!  The content of this event included discussing specific instances of bias and inaccuracy in mainstream media that occurred over the course of this past summer, especially during Operation Protective Edge. According to our Cornell CAMERA Fellow, Reut Baer, feedback...

< 1 minute read

CAMERA Helps Successful Planning Kickoff at the University of Michigan

On September 3, CAMERA’s Fellow at the University of Michigan, Lindsay Hurwitz, helped to host a kickoff meeting of pro-Israel organizations on campus. The meeting included student representatives from CAMERA, AMI, ILEAD, StandWithUs, WolvPac (AIPAC), Hillel, and Tamid, all coming together to plan united pro-Israel efforts on campus for the coming...

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