2 minute read

Jeff Jacoby Speaks at CAMERA Conference

During CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference last week, students had the opportunity to hear Jeff Jacoby, an op-ed columnist at the Boston Globe since 1994, speak. In addition, in 1999, Mr. Jacoby was the first recipient of the Breindel Prize, awarded for excellence in opinion journalism. Jacoby engaged...

2 minute read

Abir Gitlin Speaks at CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Conference

At CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, which started on Sunday afternoon, students have heard several prominent speakers present about the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions groups, and experiences with media bias. Among the speakers was Abir Gitlin, a former CAMERA Fellow and IDF soldier....

2 minute read

Arab TV Shows Incite Anti-Semitism

Anti-Israel and anti-Semitic statements are frequent on both children’s and adult TV shows from Arab and Muslim countries. In continuing to exploit Disney-like or even Disney characters to disseminate anti-Semitic propaganda, the Algemeiner and Jerusalem Post reported that the self-described “official voice of Donald Duck in the Middle East” declared...

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