2 minute read

Elad Seker speaks at Florida Atlantic University

On April 7, CAMERA Fellow Abraham Mercado at Florida Atlantic University organized an event featuring Elad Seker. The event attracted over 25 people, including a few professors. People were able to learn from Elad, who volunteers to travel to other countries in order to help with disaster relief, about the...

< 1 minute read

Yishai Goldflam Speaks at CUNY Baruch

On March 18, Yishai Goldflam, Presspectiva director, visited CUNY Baruch College in New York. He spoke to 25 engaged students about CAMERA’s Israel division, Presspectiva, as well as CAMERA and Presspectiva’s mission—to change the negative portrayal of Israel in the media. Mr. Goldflam also spoke about the two state solution....

2 minute read

Gilead Ini speaks at UDelaware

On March 18, CAMERA Fellow Philip Chinitz hosted an event at the University of Delaware where CAMERA Senior Research Analyst Gilead Ini was featured. Mr. Ini talked about the six-month CAMERA study on bias in the New York Times. Mr. Ini explained graphs and the study overall to an audience which...

< 1 minute read

Iranium showing at Laurentian University

On February 11, the Laurentian University Jewish Students Association hosted a showing of Iranium: The Movie. The movie, a documentary, educates viewers about Iran and its nuclear program with such figures as R. James Woosley Jr., former Director of Central Intelligence, John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the UN, and...

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