Greta Berlin, a notorious anti-Israel activist who helps direct the Free Gaza Movement organization, has predictably spent the last few months spreading hateful vitriol online. Berlin is no stranger to internet controversy; she was exposed (again) as an anti-Semite and a Holocaust denier on Twitter, when she claimed, astonishingly, that “Zionists...
CAMERA on New Campuses
This year, for the first time ever, CAMERA has a campus Fellow at Clark University in Worcester, MA. Clark student Seth Greenwald has taken on the responsibility and is starting off by reaching out to friends and other Israel activists on campus. At the first meeting of the Clark pro-Israel group,...
Clark University Student Advocates for Peace
Jemmie Tejada is a sophomore from Clark University, studying International Development and Political Science. Jemmie has been a passionate Israel advocate at Clark University, and is also a participant of the CAMERA Israel trip, a free 10 day trip to Israel for Israel advocates looking to learn how to better defend...