4 minute read

Presspectiva Analyst Speaks at Cornell

On September 30, CAMERA’s own Yishai Goldflam spoke about media bias against Israel at Cornell University!  The content of this event included discussing specific instances of bias and inaccuracy in mainstream media that occurred over the course of this past summer, especially during Operation Protective Edge. According to our Cornell CAMERA Fellow, Reut Baer, feedback...

< 1 minute read

World Renowned Middle East Scholar Discusses an Under Discussed Perspective

On April 24th, 2014, Cornell University’s pro-Israel group, CIPAC, and CAMERA Fellow Benjamin Horowitz presented Jonathan Schanzer, a world renowned Middle East History scholar to an intimate audience consisting of CIPAC members, community members, and interns from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. In specific, Mr. Schanzer discussed his new...

2 minute read

Why Public Events Work!

CAMERA and our CCAP-Supported Organization, CIPAC, hosted Ishmael Khaldi last night at Cornell University. Khaldi, the first Bedouin to represent Israel as Consul General in America, spoke to a diverse audience of over 50 students about his experience growing up as a minority in Israel. According to the Cornell Daily...

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