1 minute read

CAMERA Greets Overwhelming Crowd in Jerusalem

In early June, in the beautiful capital city of Israel, Jerusalem, CAMERA’s Senior Researcher, Ricki Hollander, gave an incredible briefing on The New York Times and its deceptive reporting. The turnout and excitement of the crowd completely exceeded expectations. The room, fitting about 95, held 90 before the Begin Center staff literally shut the doors...

2 minute read

SJP v. Mercado, a ‘Fair’ Fight?

This piece was written by Seth Greenwald and published in the Times of Israel. Seth Greenwald is a sophomore at Clark University and a strong pro-Israel advocate. The Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-Israel, allegedly pro-Palestinian student organization, have picked the wrong fight against Florida Atlantic University student Abraham Mercado. Mercado, a strong pro-Israel...

< 1 minute read

Yishai Goldflam Speaks at CUNY Baruch

On March 18, Yishai Goldflam, Presspectiva director, visited CUNY Baruch College in New York. He spoke to 25 engaged students about CAMERA’s Israel division, Presspectiva, as well as CAMERA and Presspectiva’s mission—to change the negative portrayal of Israel in the media. Mr. Goldflam also spoke about the two state solution....

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