We will not give up! CAMERA follows up with the president of the University of Ohio, asking him to make a strong statement condemning the academic boycott of Israel, and a commitment to fighting lies on campus. Our two letters to the administration are reproduced in full, below: Oct. 8,...
Allies of Israel at UNO
On September 23rd, our CCAP- supported group Allies of Israel at University of New Orleans spent the day tabling with CAMERA materials and apples and honey to bring in the Jewish New Year! Check out some of their amazing photos below! We are so proud of our amazing students!...
L’Shana Tova u’Metuka!
This evening, Jews around the world celebrate the beginning of the Jewish new year, Rosh HaShana! As Rosh HaShana 5775 approaches, may our commitment to truth, and to one another, be stronger and more powerful than ever, and may we thus be able to sweeten our world and the lives of...
Why I Wanted to Work For CAMERA
CAMERA is pleased and proud to welcome the newest member of our Campus Team, Ben Einsidler! As part of his first week at CAMERA on Campus, Ben wrote a piece about his decision to join CAMERA. Ben’s piece was just republished in the Algemeiner! It was a pleasant day this...
CAMERA Staff Has a Blast With the Network Boston
CAMERA Staff had a great time tabling at Combined Jewish Philanthropies’ Network Open House Event in Boston on September 10! CAMERA’s delegation included representatives of the Campus Team and of our Boston Young Leadership Team. Check out the photos below to see CAMERA doing our thang, and having a blast...
CAMERA and Partners Send Letter to UC Berkeley Chancellor
On September 2, CAMERA and 14 other organizations dedicated to fighting anti-Israel hatred sent a letter to the administrators of the University of California at Berkeley alerting them of the “call to action” posted by SJP founder and Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian. The text of the letter is reproduced in...
CAMERA at Boston’s Amazing Israel Race
Sunday, September 14, CAMERA staff and students cut loose at the annual Amazing Israel Race! The Amazing Israel Race includes a fun-filled day of racing around our beautiful city of Boston in teams, led by clues and overcoming obstacles in search of sites related to Israeli history and culture. 200...
My Journey to Zionism
This piece was contributed by CAMERA intern Elisa Greenberg. Elisa is a senior at Boston University, majoring in marketing. I was raised in a Zionistic home by parents who understood the importance of Israel as a Jewish state. Each morning, I would go downstairs for breakfast to find my parents...