2 minute read

Raise Your Voice

On November 20th, 2015, Students United, the University of Alaska Anchorage’s Emet for Israel supported group, hosted an event called “Raise Your Voice,” which turned out to be a huge success. This CAMERA funded CUFI initiative was geared toward the Christian community on campus, and the goal was to raise awareness about...

2 minute read

LUJSA’s 2015 Hanukkah Donut Give-Away

Laurentain University’s Emet for Israel supported group, LUJSA: Laurentain University Jewish Student Association held their Annual Hanukkah Donut Give-Away on Monday, December 7th, giving out over 1000 donuts and over 250 cups of coffee to the Laurentian University student body. This event always serves as a great way for new students to...

5 minute read

CAMERA Student Conference 2015

Day 1 What is better than a bunch of passionate Israel activists? A bunch of passionate Israel activists at the CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference! After registration, the students gathered at the Boston University Hillel to kick off the day with lunch and introductions. CAMERA’s International Campus Director, Aviva Slomich...

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