On 26th April 2023, join the National Jewish Assembly and World Zionist Organization for a Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration in London sponsored by CAMERA on Campus UK, StandWithUs UK and El Al Airlines. Follow this link to register to attend the in-person celebration. The following op-ed was co-written by NJA Managing...
An Open Letter to the National Union of Students from CAMERA UK, CAMERA on Campus UK and Allies: The NUS Must Take Measures to Combat Antisemitism
The National Union of Students (NUS) in the UK has a documented history of antisemitic incidents. Following an independent investigation by Rebecca Tuck KC that began in May 2022, the NUS announced on 12 January 2023 that it will take measures to address antisemitism in an action plan. On 26th...
Student Union Wreaks Hostility Towards Israeli Society
‘F*** KCL! Israel is a terrorist state!’ shouted anti-Israel activists led by KCL Action Palestine (KCLAP), a student-led association aiming to eradicate the Jewish State, on Tuesday, November 13. Protesters gathered in front of the Franklin-Wilkins Building in reaction to the presence of the Rt. Hon. Ambassador Regev, the Israeli...
A Deficit in Leadership Against Anti-Zionism
When it comes to combating BDS and anti-Zionism, strong leadership is integral. King’s College London has revealed itself to have a deficit in leadership in both the student union and the university administration. Part of their failure includes the reversal of the roles of victim and aggressor due to fear...
Irish Students Condemn Union’s Endorsement of Anti-Israel Boycotts
An Irish student group that seeks to raise awareness about Israel has come out against two resolutions adopted last week by Ireland’s largest students’ and teachers’ unions, which singled out the Jewish state for boycotts. The motions — adopted by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and Irish National Teachers’ Organisation...
The truth behind Yachad’s misleading anti-demolition campaign
At the beginning of March, students affiliated with the Yachad UK movement started a campaign to highlight demolitions in the Palestinian villages of Area C. Among a handful of other communities, they chose to focus principally on a tiny locale called Umm al-Khair, which was one of the stops on...
UK CAMERA-Supported Societies Need You — Sign the Petition Today!
Click here to sign the petition. While commendably inviting Israeli lecturer Hen Mazzig back to speak on January 25th after his CAMERA event was violently disrupted in 2016, UCL is not permitting the majority of London area students who attended the original event to attend this one because they are not UCL students. UCL does not have a policy of restricting events only to UCL students. Instead of ensuring that...
UK Students Vow to Fight Campus Anti-Semitism
Students Spoke at Official CAMERA on Campus UK Launch Reception More than 50 students and professionals from around the United Kingdom gathered at the Centre for Jewish Life in London on Tuesday, meeting for the official launch of CAMERA on Campus UK, an international student organisation that counters misinformation about...