< 1 minute read

We Heart Our Students!

As the end of June approaches, CAMERA wraps up another successful Student Leadership and Advocacy Training trip to Israel! This year marks the 7th year that CAMERA has taken approximately 25 college students on a 10-day, completely subsidized geopolitical tour of Israel. The experience focuses on exploring media portrayal of...

< 1 minute read

The Forgotten Refugees

On April 18, our CAMERA Fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Max Heller hosted a screening of The Forgotten Refugees on his campus. The documentary film reveals the story of the approximately 700,000-1,000,000 Jews who were persecuted and expelled from the Arab and Muslim countries in which they...

< 1 minute read

ASU Screening of UNMASKED: Judeophobia

On March 6th, 2013, Alabama State University CAMERA Fellow, Rita Usher, organized a screening of the documentary film Unmasked: Judeophobia on her campus.  Approximately 40 students attended. According to Rita, many of the student guests made connections between the struggle against antisemitism and the historical struggle against racism in the United States....

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