Every year, McGill University’s Jewish Studies department offers at least one seminar on Jewish life in the Islamic world. These classes are important: most people know little about Mizrahim (Jews from the Middle East and North Africa, a region often abbreviated as MENA). But in highlighting Mizrahi/Sephardi identities, some academics—sometimes...
A Story of Persian Jewish Resilience
I am a Persian Jew. My family fled Iran in the midst of the Islamic revolution, a violent uprising led by Ruhollah Khomeini, a religious extremist who threatened and later ethnically cleansed Iran of its religious minorities. My family’s story is one shared by Jews in Iran and countries across...
Why Is BDS Bad Anyway? Lessons from Ohio State
Ohio State’s Undergraduate Student Government should be a place to better our campus for students and faculty as we work together to resolve issues that we face on campus. Ohio State is supposed to be a place for all to feel welcomed and to learn, not the place to be...
Antisemitism’s Rise on College Campuses
Indiana University is committed to furthering diversity and inclusion in all that we do. The University has issued sweeping statements in favor of these ideas, and at least tries to appear to do so in its actions as well. But diversity extends beyond our own campus. If IU really wants...
Student Union Wreaks Hostility Towards Israeli Society
‘F*** KCL! Israel is a terrorist state!’ shouted anti-Israel activists led by KCL Action Palestine (KCLAP), a student-led association aiming to eradicate the Jewish State, on Tuesday, November 13. Protesters gathered in front of the Franklin-Wilkins Building in reaction to the presence of the Rt. Hon. Ambassador Regev, the Israeli...
SJP Misleads Minority Groups to Oppose Israel
SJP appropriates minority struggles to further its anti-Israel agenda Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) speaks highly of its efforts to “highlight intersectional themes and struggles,” and attract “diverse and unified student activist populations” across campuses nationwide. When it comes to student recruitment, SJP chapters across the country openly appeal...
Double Standards Do More Harm Than Good
The double standards of anti-Zionism must be condemned Over the years, it has become apparent in the college community that Zionism is not only disapproved of, but discriminated against, with such outstanding remarks against Israel’s very existence. The already confirmed annual Students for Justice in Palestine Conference at University of California,...
A Dangerous SJP Conference Comes to UCLA
Editor’s Note: Sign this petition to demand that UCLA adhere to its commitment to “mutual respect, equality and inclusion.” National SJP Conference–a meeting to antagonize Jews on campus There is little denying that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are on the rise, and a 2016 study by Brandeis University has a theory...