5 minute read

Francesca Albanese And The UN’s Anti-Israel Bias

On 26 April, Israel’s Independence Day, the Jewish Network for Palestine (JNP), a fringe organisation, held a Zoom lecture with Italian UN Special Rapporteur to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese. Other speakers in attendance were Israeli Professor of History at Exeter University, Ilan Pappe and SOAS Professor Nur Masalha. The JNP is linked to the anti-zionist Jewish...

3 minute read

The latest iteration of CAMERA on Campus’s campaign expands efforts to bring visibility to the Jewish communities of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) on college campuses.

Boston, Massachusetts — On November 1st, 2022, CAMERA on Campus will launch the latest iteration of its widely acclaimed Mizrahi Stories campaign that will span the entirety of Mizrahi Heritage Month. “When CAMERA on Campus first launched the Mizrahi Stories campaign in November 2019, our efforts centered on creating spaces...

2 minute read

More than 90% of slanted articles in top U.S campus papers were biased against Israel—report

Between 2017 and 2022, 92.82% of the articles in leading U.S. college newspapers that strayed from journalistic objectivity were anti-Israel, according to a report from Alums for Campus Fairness. ACF surveyed 75 leading college and university newspapers. Of all the articles about Israel exhibiting a bias, 181 were biased against...

3 minute read

Online Webinar Teaches Students How to Tackle Threat of Rising Antisemitism in Campus Media

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) and CAMERA on Campus host student panel discussion and interactive workshop, announce launch of new campus media contest to counter proliferation of antisemitic and anti-Zionist narratives in student newspapers. BOSTON/NEW YORK September 20th, 2022 –The Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) and CAMERA on Campus...

3 minute read

CAMERA מכינה את הסטודנטים לקרב נגד מידע מוטעה

לפרסום מיידי ועדה לדיוק בדיווח וניתוח במזרח התיכון CAMERA מכינה את הסטודנטים לקרב נגד מידע מוטעה בוסטון, 4 באוגוסט, 2022 – לראשונה מזה שנתיים, סטודנטים מאוניברסיטאות ברחבי ארצות הברית, קנדה, בריטניה וישראל התכנסו בבוסטון, מסצ’וסטס, לכנס המנהיגות הבינלאומי ה-12 של CAMERA (ISLC). כנס אינטנסיבי בן ארבעה ימים עמוס בהדרכות, תדרוכים...

3 minute read

Press Release: CAMERA Prepares Students For The Fierce Battle Against Misinformation

BOSTON, August 4th, 2022 – For the first time in two years, students from universities across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Israel gathered in Boston, Massachusetts, for CAMERA’s 12th Annual International Student Leadership Conference (ISLC). An intensive four-day conference packed with trainings, exclusive briefings, and team-building exercises,...

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