Proposed legislation in Ireland is strikingly similar to Early 20th Century Anti-Semitic European legislation. In the latest diplomatic spat between Ireland and Israel, Ireland advanced a bill that would criminalize imports of Israeli goods produced in the territories (sometimes referred to as the West Bank) and quite possibly beyond. The...
BDS at Cambridge: Activism Blinded by Self-Righteousness?
Student activism at the University of Cambridge surrounding the most recent events in Gaza has, of late, been severely problematic. Beginning with a rally on Kings Parade, which included calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and drew comparisons between Israeli soldiers and Nazis, the campaign has gradually...
Miss Iraq Reunited with Miss Israel in Jerusalem
They weren’t supposed to be friends. While the governments of most Arab nations maintain hostile positions towards Israel, the same cannot be said for all of their citizens. Many citizens of these countries are becoming increasingly frustrated with their government’s policies vis-a-vis Israel, taking it upon themselves to create a...
Dartmouth Dean Must Retract Support for BDS
Statement by Gilad Skolnick, Director of Campus Programming for CAMERA, on the appointment of Professor Bruce Duthu as Dean of Faculty at Dartmouth College: “CAMERA calls on Professor Duthu to publicly retract his support for the BDS campaign, and in the event that he does not do this, calls on...
Palestinians are Hurt by BDS
“All the people who wanted to close SodaStream’s West Bank factory are mistaken… They didn’t take into consideration the families,” Ali Jafar, a Palestinian SodaStream employee stated back in 2015. He had been working at the Israeli company’s West Bank factory which produced home carbonation drink machines for two years before it...
Divestment at UCSB: Round Three
Contributed by CAMERA Fellow Jeremy Ginsberg For the third year in a row, BDS came during spring quarter at UC Santa Barbara, and I am glad to say that it was defeated in only one meeting instead of in the multiple senate meetings my fellow students have seen for the...
CAMERA Fellow at U Florida Corrects SJP Lies
CAMERA Fellow at the University of Florida, Naor Amir, just published an article in The Alligator refuting false claims made by SJP student Amanda Nelson. In her piece, Nelson advocated the boycott of companies that do business with Israel. Naor contradicted her claims and advocated, instead, for a more comprehensive understanding...
Keeping Track of Biased Professors
The AMCHA Initiative is an organization that monitors anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activity on college campuses. Judea Pearl, friend of CAMERA, professor at UCLA, and father of the tragically murdered journalist, Daniel Pearl, wrote this piece in support of the quest to monitor professors’ anti-Israel activity and keep a current list of...