5 minute read

No, Israel is not an Apartheid State

On February 9, 2021, the University of California Irvine (UCI) student government passed a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) resolution against Israel in a vote of 19-3. The resolution touted the libel-filled reporting of the Israeli NGO B’tselem, which makes use of demonstrably false terms such as “apartheid” and “Jewish supremacy” to...

3 minute read

Exposing the Lies and Hate of the BDS Movement

In a conversation with American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) on March 31st Omar Barghouti appears to have charged Jews as thieves, settler colonialists, racists, purveyors of apartheid, ethnic cleansers, supremacists, and murderers — or at least the 95 percent of American Jews who support Israel. Barghouti is one of the leaders of...

3 minute read

ההשוואה השקרית של ציונות וקולוניאליזם

Photo: Government Press Office/Wikimedia Commons אנטי-ציונים, במיוחד פעילי BDS, הצליחו באופן מסחרר ליצור ולהפיץ טענות כוזבות רבות, הגזמות ותפיסות מוטעות לגבי ישראל. עבדתי עם צוות CAMERA בקמפוס בהשקת קמפיין במדיה החברתית בשם #ApartheidWeekExposed. מטרתו הוא לשפוך אור על האופן שבו פעולות המעורבים בתנועת ה- BDS מוגדרות כאנטישמיות בקמפוסים. בבית הספר...

4 minute read

PSC’s Israel Libels Reflect a Systemic Issue at York

This summer, the Palestine Solidarity Collective (PSC) on campus published remarkably inflammatory and inaccurate claims about Israel on their Facebook account. Three stand out as particularly egregious — they deserve to be unpacked and debunked. The first was opposition to the adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism on...

3 minute read

Fighting Back for Israel on Campus

As college students eventually return to campus, it’s important to note that even amidst a relentless COVID-19 pandemic, anti-Israel advocates have not diminished their attacks on pro-Israel advocates and Jewish students on campus. One of their many tactics is to introduce resolutions inspired by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement...

4 minute read

Susan Abulhawa speaks at UCL

Photo: Diliff/Wikimedia Commons On October 20, UCL Friends of Palestine and UCL Arab & North African Society hosted a discussion titled “A Palestinian Tale: The Story Behind the Statistics” with Palestinian political activist and novelist Susan Abulhawa. As a strong supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, she cannot...

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