4 minute read

The Politics of a Humanitarian Fundraiser

Last Wednesday, the Israel Student Association (ISA) at George Mason organized a fundraiser to support refugees effected by the Syrian conflict. The proceeds go directly to the International Committee of the Red Cross, which would provide food, shelter, and clothing to refugees in Turkey and Jordan. At the event, the...

2 minute read

Abir Gitlin Speaks at CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Conference

At CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, which started on Sunday afternoon, students have heard several prominent speakers present about the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions groups, and experiences with media bias. Among the speakers was Abir Gitlin, a former CAMERA Fellow and IDF soldier....

4 minute read

From the Campus Director’s Desk: CAMERA’s Amazing Student Trip to Israel

CAMERA just completed its 7th Annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Mission in Israel. Our CAMERA Fellows, who were chosen to represent CAMERA on campus for the 2012-2013 academic year, participated in the all-expense-paid trip, along with student activists who are members of our CCAP-supported pro-Israel organizations. Twenty-three Jewish and non-Jewish...

< 1 minute read

BDS Student Leader Nominated as UC Regent

University of California’s Board of Regents, which governs the university and appoints senior officers, was created for the purpose of “sheltering the university from shifting political winds.” Yet a current nominee for student regent threatens to do the very opposite, by politicizing the board with severely partisan, divisive and noxious...

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