3 minute read

In Opposition to the Boycott

This piece was originally published in the Cornell Daily Sun. The author, Ben Horowitz, is a CAMERA Fellow at Cornell. It’s an unfortunate phenomenon that a growing number of those who support Palestinian independence are currently leading a hateful anti-Israel boycott, which only makes independence and peace harder to achieve. The...

3 minute read

Brandeis and Penn State Harrisburg Pull Out of ASA Program in Response to Boycott

American Studies Association resolution to boycott Israeli Academic Institutions an affront to Academic Integrity. By Ariella Charny This past Monday, a third of the American Studies Association’s (ASA) members, of which there are some 5,000 members, voted in favor of boycotting Israel’s research and academic institutions. The resolution states the ASA’s...

2 minute read

Swarthmore Hillel Defies Hillel International Guidelines for Israel Campus Speakers

Swarthmore Hillel votes to defy Hillel’s Policy pertaining to Israel programming; Hillel President rejects the Swarthmore resolution and insists that any group carrying the Hillel name abide by Hillel’s Standards for Partnership. Matters heated up recently within Hillel when, on December 8th, Swathmore Hillel Student Board announced it had voted unanimously to defy Hillel...

3 minute read

CSUN Stands Back as Professor Klein Uses University Resources to Promote Israel Boycott

California State University Northridge fails to remove Professor Klein’s webpage, posted on the university server, that promotes the boycott of Israel. California State University Northridge (CSUN) Professor David Klein has found a convenient outlet for expressing his sentiments with regard to Israel: the University’s web server. Professor of Mathematics, Klein...

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