Last month I, Avraham, poured my heart out in an article for The Sun, entitled “Rejecting Boycott, Extending an Olive Branch,” describing my deep connection to the State of Israel and pleading with Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine to “exchange points of view in a respectful manner, rather than...
Undergraduate Assembly Must Not Adopt Inaccurate and Misleading BDS Resolution
On April 11, the Student Assembly will vote on a Resolution submitted by Students for Justice in Palestine (Resolution 36). Much of Resolution 36 is deeply misleading and inaccurate. Resolution 36 must be rejected by the Student Assembly, which should not adopt a document which falls below basic academic standards....
Dear Cornell University: ‘Reject BDS and Work for a Better World’
Four Jewish students at Cornell University, in a recent op-ed, called for a boycott against Israel. The authors make many false or misleading accusations, among the most despicable of them points they make regarding the Holocaust. The authors are correct that hundreds of thousands of heroic Jews died fighting Nazi Germany....
Palestinian Christians: A Minority Threatened by Boycotts
For the ever-dwindling minority of Christians who remain in the Palestinian territories, many are recluses — bound by political and social pressures that have jeopardized their right to live out fundamental aspects of their faith, and have resulted in severe violations of their basic human rights. A report published in January by...
A Call Against Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
To the Editor: Earlier this month, Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine announced a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel. The campaign aims to divest Cornell’s endowment from companies they allege are responsible for human rights violations against Palestinians. A wave of these campaigns has spread to campuses across the country,...
NYU: A Hostile Place for Jewish Students
Alejandro Villa Vasquez, an NYU student and former deputy managing editor at NYU’s Washington Square News, tweeted multiple race-sensitive posts on December 6th. “I hope every Zionist kkunt @ New York University is crying right now,” and “I want all Zionists to die”. Vasquez tweeted this as a reaction to...
Rejecting Boycott, Extending an Olive Branch
Cornell, an intellectual Garden of Eden, has been my “home away from home” for three miraculous semesters. There is only one other paradisiacal location on earth that is as close to my heart as the Big Red: The State of Israel. I deferred my enrollment to Cornell, resisting the allure...
PFLP Propaganda Makes Appearance Ahead of Cornell BDS Vote
A coalition of student groups at Cornell University has renewed the call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) at the university. Led by Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the effort is expected to culminate in a vote in the Student Assembly in late April. In a recent op-ed...