4 minute read

Keeping Track of Biased Professors

The AMCHA Initiative is an organization that monitors anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activity on college campuses. Judea Pearl, friend of CAMERA, professor at UCLA, and father of the tragically murdered journalist, Daniel Pearl, wrote this piece in support of the quest to monitor professors’ anti-Israel activity and keep a current list of...

3 minute read

Fordham’s Shame: A Professor Charged With “Discrimination” For Fighting Against It

Last month, Tablet Mag published a story about Professor Doron Ben-Alter of Fordham University in New York.  Professor Ben-Alter had been vocal about his condemnation of the American Studies Association’s decision to boycott Israel and only Israel. The decision of the American Studies Association to boycott Israeli universities in December...

2 minute read

ASA Boycott Is Not Really A Boycott?

The American Studies Association’s supposed boycott of Israeli academics and institutions of education has landed it in hot water yet again. According to Eugene Kontorovich‘s summary of the controversy, which surrounds the upcoming ASA annual meeting in Los Angeles, So according to the ASA, scholars who are “representatives or ambassadors”...

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