4 minute read

Letter: BDS – A Reality Check

In the guest column “On Divestment and Hypocrisy,” the authors described an idealistic moral calling to divest from companies supporting Israel’s so-called apartheid actions. The truth is not so simple. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is extraordinarily complex, and portraying it as they did is inaccurate. Furthermore, their claim that boycotting companies is...

3 minute read

U Chicago Student: Time to support Israel

Contributed by CAMERA’s Emet for Israel Liaison at the University of Chicago, Blake Fleisher. This article was originally published in the Hill, and is reproduced in full below.  Miko Peled’s recent op-ed in the Hill, titled “Time to give Palestinians their country back,” was more rant than reason. Nowhere does he make a single...

2 minute read

Thank You, CAMERA

The following is a testimonial letter by our 2013-2014 Fellow César Domingo: First of all, thank you for the edits on my papers. I know it’s a tedious work and you both took the time to go over every single letter to make sure everything was written right. But the...

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