3 minute read

Enshrined Anti-Zionism at San Francisco State University and Many US Campuses

Recently, as reported by The Algemeiner, dozens of organizations petitioned the chancellor of the California State University system in response to San Francisco State University (SFSU) professor Rabab Abdulhadi’s use of the university’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diaspora Studies (AMED) Facebook page to spread antisemitic propaganda. This concern is more than justified. As the...

4 minute read

Slamming ‘Zionists’ and ‘Zionism’ Writ Large at Harvard

On April 2, I attended Harvard University’s Palestine Solidarity Committee’s event titled “IAW 2019: Black-Palestinian Solidarity,” which was held during the university’s Israel Apartheid Week. The featured speakers —Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill, Princeton University emeritus professor Cornell West and activist/attorney Dima Khalidi—spent nearly two hours regurgitating slander, conspiracy theories...

4 minute read

York University Mural Constant Reminder Zionist Students Not Welcome

Three years ago, a large-scale, informal, and yet typical, Israeli-Palestinian debate took place on campus. This debate caused controversy, questioned the university’s commitment to free speech and student rights, challenged the university’s ability to make decisions regarding student safety, caused one of the university’s largest donors to pull out his...

4 minute read

Biased Education and the Perpetuation of Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a subjective discussion in our universities. These academic inconsistencies have posed a significant danger to young minds, as inaccuracies seem to be abundant in our classrooms. These conscious or unconscious attempts to distort the historical component of the conflict have certainly perpetuated anti-Zionism in some...

2 minute read

Healing the Wound: Should Anti-Discrimination Legislation be Passed by the Student Senate?

Last year, GW’s Student Association Senate passed an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic BDS resolution. On the same night, they failed to remove a publicly known anti-Semitic senator, Brady Forrest, from voting. The SA failed the Jewish and pro-Israel community at GW, allowing anti-Semitism on campus to go unchecked. While President LeBlanc denounced...

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